



In addition to mid esophageal views, transgastric views of the mitral are obtained to further assess valvular dysfunction. The TEE probe is advanced until the transducer is positioned at the base of the left ventricle. The transgastric basal short axis view is obtained with a multiplane angle of 0 degress. It provides a short axis view of the mitral valve with the posteromedial commissure in the upper left of the image display and the anterolateral commissure in the lower right. The posterior leaflet is to the right of the display and the anterior leaflet to the left. In this view, segmental valve analysis further refines the localization of valvular dysfunction. The transgastric two-chamber view is produced with the multiplane angle at 90 degress. This view facilitates the visualization of the subvalvular apparatus allowing an adequate examintaion of chordae tendinae. Different transgastric views of the mitral valve are depicted here.